Corona virus new opening hours (no appointment required):

Mon-Fri 7 a.m. to 12 p.m.; furthermore only telephone services until 1:00 p.m.

IHR LABOR will remain closed on Saturdays until further notice!

  • NO COLLECTION OF FINDINGS! All findings are sent (by post or electronically)
  • No sugar exposure test for pregnant women for the time being
  • According to the recommendation of the Medical Association, please only come to us at the moment if it is a medical emergency. Of course, we will be happy to reschedule any unnecessary examinations later.


YOUR LAB 1090, Währinger Straße 63, 1090 Vienna, offers tests for SARS-CoV-2 on weekdays and on all open Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. (* open Saturdays see list). It is not necessary to make an appointment!

PCR tests Sa 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. * EUR 85, –
Antigen rapid test Sa 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. * EUR 35.00
Antibody test Sa 8.00 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. * EUR 25, –



The medical diagnostics laboratory with microbiology, situated just a few metres away from the U6 station Währinger Straße/Volksoper, is part of IHR LABOR: one of the leading and most modern diagnostics groups in Austria. As a member of this group, we are committed to the highest quality criteria in terms of employee competence, analyses and personal advice and care.

In particular, we would like to highlight our efforts to enable all patients to visit the laboratory – including those who are not able to come to the laboratory fasting on working days due to school or job commitments. This is why our laboratory is open on about 33 Saturdays in the year. You can find all days when we are open via this link.

We would be pleased to welcome you soon at IHR LABOR 1090.

PS: If necessary, we can provide support in the following foreign languages: English, Serbian, Romanian and Russian.



Austestung auf 200 Nahrungsmittel, IgG
(nur Befund, ohne Arztgespräch oder Ernährungsberatung)

Aktionspreis (EUR)
statt 199,-                  nur 149,-

Aktion gültig 15.2. bis 10.5.2019

Holotranscobalamin Bestimmung

Holotranscobalamin Bestimmung

zur Prävention eines Vitamin B12 Mangels.

Besonders wichtig für Vegetarier!

jetzt kurze Zeit um
nur 32,- EUR

Aktion gültig XY bis YZ Datum



FSME Titerbestimmung: statt 22,- jetzt nur 14,- EUR
Hepatitis A Titerbestimmung: statt 28,- jetzt nur 12,- EUR
Hepatitis B Titerbestimmung: statt 19,- jetzt nur 8,- EUR

Titerbestimmung FSME & Hepatitis A & Hepatitis B: Paketpreis 30,50 EUR

Müssen Sie geimpft werden?
Wir sind eine Impfstelle. Ist eine Impfung nach einer Impftiter-Bestimmung bei uns im Labor erforderlich,
impfen wir Sie mit Ihren mitgebrachten Impfstoffen um 10,- EUR pro Person.
Vergünstigten Zeckenschutz-Impfstoff (FSME) erhalten Sie bis 31.7.2019 in Ihrer Apotheke.
Marcoumar-Patienten können leider nicht geimpft werden!

Aktion gültig 4.3. bis 31.7.2019

Medical diagnostics laboratory
with microbiology

Währinger Straße 63, 1090 Vienna
(on the corner of Schlagergasse)
T: +43 1 408 31 31
F: +43 1 408 48 85

Opening hours/Blood sample collection:

Mon-Fr 7.00am – 3.30pm
Open saturdays 8.00 – 11.00 Uhr (see list)

Please come fasting for blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine, crosslaps and aldosterone.

Blood sugar load (oGTT), Breath test, Sperm count sample collection:
Only by appointment

Breath test with strict preparation.

Children’s blood sample <6 years:
Mon-Fri 7.00am – 3.30pm
Children up to 14 years of age only when accompanied by a legal guardian or with written consent from their legal representative.

Coagulation adjustment:
Mon-Fri 7.00am – 1.00pm

Urine release under supervision:
Mon-Fri 11.00am – 3.30pm

Home visit:
Only by making an appointment by telephone on T: +43 1 2036774 200

Closed on the 24th and 31st of December

All insurance funds

Ihr Labor 1090

“Service quality also means being flexible in terms of opening times. School and job commitments often mean that it is impossible to come to the laboratory fasting on weekdays. That’s why we are open on many Saturdays during the year!”

Priv.-Doz. DDDr. Elisa Rivelles, MBA, specialist doctor for medical and chemical laboratory diagnostics and representative of the laboratory association IHR LABOR